As I’m writing up this post it’s a beautiful 20 degrees outside (although sunny). Having come from warm and beatufiful central Florida it’s quite a shock to the system going back to weather 50 degrees colder. I just returned from a great trip down to the ‘World to watch my brother run the Disney 10k as part of the Marathon Weekend.
I wanted to share some thoughts, notes and observations from my trip along with some of the pictures I took while there. Overall it was an amazing trip as always, all of the parks are looking good as usual but a lot of construction which I like to see. That means we’ll be seeing some new things coming soon which I’m very excited about. [click to continue…]
Disney World has many hidden secrets that most guests never know about or get to experience. That’s one of the things that makes Disney so unique – it spends time, money and effort on many of these little touches (like hidden mickeys – can you find one in the image above?) that make Disney World so unique.
I could list literally hundreds of secrets but I wanted to focus on a few of may favorites – one from each park.
Here are a few of my favorite secrets from each Disney park! [click to continue…]
Disney hit us with a lot of exciting news the past few weeks with attraction opening dates, new shows and new deals coming out soon. It’s no secret that Universal has been doing a great job recently of poaching many visitors away from Disney with their big Harry Potter expansion so Disney is really stepping up their game to try and keep visitors on site and away from Universal.
The announcements made last week are not on the level of a Harry Potter land expansion but will all be nice additions and value-adds for your Disney vacation. [click to continue…]